Stories tagged: "Charlotte Dodge"

Crisis of Care - Pennsylvania and America Are in ‘Huge Trouble’ Unless We Help Families With Caregiving
Crisis of Care: Pennsylvania and America Are in ‘Huge Trouble’ Unless We Help Families With Caregiving

Democrats in Congress are currently negotiating over the terms of the Build Back Better Act. If it passes, it could be a transformative investment in America’s care infrastructure.

Crisis in Care: The Financial, Mental, and Physical Toll of Being A Sandwich Caregiver
Crisis of Care: The Financial, Mental, and Physical Toll of Being a Sandwich Caregiver

Sandwich caregivers often sacrifice financial security and are at higher risk of depression and mental health issues compared to non-caregivers.

Crisis of Care: Family Caregivers Struggle With A Broken System
Crisis of Care: Family Caregivers Struggle with a Broken System

There are an estimated 11 million Americans who are “sandwich generation” caregivers: They are simultaneously raising young children and caring for their aging parents, and they need help. This is Part One of a four-part series on sandwich caregivers. Check back tomorrow for Part Two.