Stories tagged: "COVID-19 impact"

headshots of Arte Moreno, Bob Parsons, Joe Shoen, and Ernie Garcia III over top 100 dollar bills
Workers Lost Income Over the Pandemic While Arizona Billionaires’ Wealth Soared to New Heights

Arizona’s 11 billionaires saw their collective wealth more than double over the last 17 months, accumulating a combined $35.4 billion.

illustration of nurses shaded orange on black background
‘We Didn’t Know How Long This Was Going to Last’: Nurses in Arizona COVID Ward Speak Out

Nurses and doctors on the front lines have had to restructure every action and routine of both their work and personal lives because of the virus.

arizona reopen
Why States Like Arizona Are Seeing a Bigger Push to Reopen Than Others

A University of Arizona professor says differing opinions on COVID-19 often come down to personal experiences and an urban vs. rural divide.