Stories tagged: "George Floyd"

An image of George Floyd is projected on a screen in front of the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee on Monument Avenue Tuesday July 28, 2020, in Richmond, Va. and the George Floyd Foundation officially launched "A Monumental Change: The George Floyd Hologram Memorial Project" in Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy (AP Photo/Steve Helber)
George Floyd’s Hologram Projected Over Robert E. Lee Statue as ‘Symbol for Change’

Floyd's family was at the statue Tuesday night to witness the unveiling of the hologram.

Graphic via Desirée Tapia for COURIER
The News Media Whitewashed Police Brutality for Decades. Here’s Why We Believed Them.

Reporters have often blindly parroted law enforcement’s version of events, marginalized Black and Brown voices, focused on violence rather than protesters’ demands, and used irresponsible language when covering police brutality.

Graphic via Desirée Tapia for COURIER
Hollywood’s Decades-Long Love Affair With Copaganda Is Finally Facing a Reckoning

“It’s important to recognize that most [people] in the United States have never had an actual encounter with the criminal justice system, especially the police. Therefore, their sole source for understanding policing and what is considered proper behavior rests in media portrayals."

Widespread protests after George Floyd's death did not contribute to any noticeable increase in coronavirus infections, officials say. (Photo for Cardinal & Pine by Grant Baldwin)
New Report: Black Lives Matter Protests Did Not Increase Coronavirus Infections

The Black Lives Matters protests that swept the nation in June do not appear to have sparked notable increases in coronavirus cases as was initially feared.

AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski
‘He’s Pulling Us All Apart’: Americans Deeply Unhappy With Trump

Just 24% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction, down from 42% in March, and Trump’s overall approval rating sits at 39%.

Milwaukee Orders Police To Develop An ‘I Can’t Breathe’ Policy
Milwaukee Orders Police to Develop an ‘I Can’t Breathe’ Policy

Police have ignored pleas of breathless, unarmed Black men, leading to their deaths.

Artist John Hairston was one of 16 artists painting a letter in the phrase "Black Lives Matter" on Tryon Street in uptown Charlotte. (Cardinal & Pine photo by Grant Baldwin).
Why I Believe Change Is Actually Gonna Come This Time

The leader of Emancipate NC shares why protests confronting police brutality will change America.