Stories tagged: "pre-existing conditions"

The ACA’s provision banning insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions has been life changing for Kellye Call. (Image courtesy of subject)
‘I Would, Quite Frankly, Become Disabled’: What the Affordable Care Act Means to This Georgia Woman

“I remember my mom sitting me down at the age of 15 and teaching me how to appeal a denial, because she told me I would be doing that for the rest of my life, and until 2010-2011, she was right.”

Courtesy of Paul Gibbs
WATCH: Americans With Pre-Existing Conditions Sound Off on the Potential Repeal of the ACA

Up to 133 million Americans have pre-existing conditions covered by the Affordable Care Act. If the Supreme Court overturns the law, the consequences could be disastrous.

Graphic via Desirée Tapia
COVID-19 Can Cause Lasting Heart and Brain Damage. Republicans Still Want to Repeal the ACA.

If the ACA is repealed, the consequences could be devastating for the countless patients who are developing long-lasting medical conditions due to COVID-19.

Graphic via Desirée Tapia
‘Absolute Game Changer’: How the Affordable Care Act Helped Save the Lives of People With HIV

If the conservative-leaning Supreme Court ultimately strikes down the healthcare law, it could set America back years in its fight against HIV/AIDS, taking the country back to a time when the virus posed a deadlier threat than it currently does.

Image by Lauren Friedlander via COURIER
What could happen to millions of women if the ACA is repealed

A decision in the case challenging the federal law is expected any day now.