Graphic via Denzel Boyd for COURIER
Biden’s First 100 Days: These Moms Want Him to Focus on Undoing the Damage Inflicted by the Trump Administration

“I'd like to see him respond to the pandemic in an educated way. I don't need him to solve COVID, but I'd like to see him respond to it thoughtfully vs. ignore it or call it fake news.”

No one is better suited to vote for the president than those who serve him.
If You Answer to the Commander-in-Chief, You Should Vote for Who It Is

When your life depends on the decisions made at the top, why shouldn’t you exercise your right to vote for that person?

Rebecca Alwine
I’m a Military Spouse Who’s Voted by Mail My Entire Adult Life. It’s Not Always Easy But It Is Safe.

Every year I undertake a convoluted process to ensure I can cast an absentee ballot because voting is my right and responsibility. Over the last 16 years, I've voted by mail 16 times.