Stories tagged: "voter stories 2020"

Rebecca Alwine
I’m a Military Spouse Who’s Voted by Mail My Entire Adult Life. It’s Not Always Easy But It Is Safe.

Every year I undertake a convoluted process to ensure I can cast an absentee ballot because voting is my right and responsibility. Over the last 16 years, I've voted by mail 16 times.

Grand Rapids resident Leah Bectel got started early in the democratic process.
Meet the Gen Z Michigander Who Is Already a Seasoned Poll Worker at 23

A Grand Rapids resident Leah Bectel registered to vote the day she turned 18. She encourages others to get started early on democracy, too.

Michigander Steven Syers is passionate about voting, so much so that he drove an hour to do it. (Photo provided by Steven Syers)
Michigan Man Drives 60 Miles to Make Sure He Can Vote

Steven Syers is revved up for democracy this year. Here's why.

“I’m Sick and Tired of My Community Being Taken Advantage of”: Why This Mexican American Wants You to Vote

"There's this misconception that Latinos are not involved in the political process, or that in our culture, we don't talk about [politics], but we're trying to change that."

Jesse Washnock-Schmid. Design by Denzel Boyd.
Arizona Millennial Volunteers to Work Polls to Protect the Elderly

Most poll workers in Arizona are retirees in their 60s and 70s who are at elevated risk for COVID-19, so younger volunteers are stepping up to help.

Image by McKenna Martin/Denzel Boyd
Black Lives Matter Is Inspiring Young People to Register to Vote. Could They Swing the Election?

Beyond demanding an end to racial injustice, the protests have also offered an opportunity to register more people to vote.

First-Time Voter Akil Cole Explains How a Simple Vote Can Affect Everything

“Just the idea that you can take a pretty simple action and literally impact everything around you, from what you eat to how you’re transported and what you’re taught in school...I think that’s one reason why I think voting is important.”